Wednesday, 18 April 2018

RELATIONSHIPS: Seven Signs That Either Partner Is Unfaithful

By Delly Singah Phillips
CEO & Founder of Delly Singah Foundation
Delly Singah Phillips
Nowadays, there is a lot of buzz around relationships and many a young ones who have ventured onto the very slippery terrain of falling in love have had to ask themselves lots of questions regarding their status within such relationships. It is therefore not uncommon to hear questions arising like: “Does my partner love me?” “Does he or she love me as I love him or her?” These questions are bound to prop up but again, it will appear they might be avoided if and only if we or those in such relations do their Maths right so their emotional investments can add up squarely to what they expect or intend to achieve through such relationships.    
Contrary to what many may think especially when they fall or stumble in love, your spouse, fiancée, girlfriend, and boyfriend should never have to question whether or not you love them. It is your duty to make them feel loved and secure in their position. As earlier intimated, this may sound absurd to many but again, we must think deep as to whether we are offering just enough to generate the results we are expecting from the relationship or not. To better understand how we can avoid asking these sort of questions when in a relationship, it is primordial that we consider seven basic signs that may reveal clearly to us the answers we are searching for. Also, ask we ask these questions and examine these signs, we must also be meticulous and scientific enough to turn them on ourselves and not only on our partners if we what to obtain a balanced and empirical outcome.

Seven Basic Signs One or the Other Partner is Unfaithful,
One or the other Partner isn’t putting in Enough Effort to Make the relationship Work, One or the Other Partner is Fade Up with the Relationship

Delly Singah Phillips
1. He/She is Not Present: Even when physically present, the two of you seem to still be each in his or her own different world. If this happens, then for sure, something is not right somewhere and you two must come to terms with it before you can forge ahead. A man or woman always on their phones texting even in your presence is probably an indication that they cheats and or persons with lots of things to hide from each other and this is not a good sign. 
2. Spending Time: He/she will prefers to spend time with friends than with you. When everything or everyone else seems to be more interesting than you, it will appear that either partner is boring to the other person. This may be a signed of shriveled love. Faced with such an attitude, either partners must make efforts to revive the flame of the love in order to reignite the relationship.
3. Social Media: One or the other partner is constantly on social media ‘liking’ other men/ladies’ pictures and ‘commenting’ with flirty emojis and frolic expressions. This may signal their interest in each other is dwindling and they can’t wait to jump into the arms of someone else.  One of the most disrespectful things to do is emotionally entertain others publicly or in the presence of your spouse or companion making them look stupid and jealouse.
4. Intuition: Intuition is one of the greatest gifts God bestowed on human beings at creation. If we use it well, I believe we may avoid a lot of pain and frustration in the domain of relationships and broken hearts. If your intuition of him/her cheating always seems TRUE, then I guess you must dedicate time to look closely into the matter then draw your conclusions. I always say trust your inner guts, you may not be able to sustain what your intuition is saying but that doesn't stop you from doing research on it or from it turning out to be the truth. 

Delly Singah Phillips
Accusations & Counter- accusations: When a couple starts rocking back and forth with accusations, there is surely something cooking in the kitchen about their relationship. They must find time to iron out differences and agree on a common front in order to move forward. If either partner makes accusations of either one being crazy, jealous and a Nag, sure thing is, it is only a matter of time before things degenerate into quarrels, fights and of course separation in the worst case scenario. Remember  the adage “attack is a cheater's best form of defense?” this of course is a very classic ploy to make you doubt yourself yeah, and doubt sets in, you sure will forget the bone of contention and your suspicions.
6. Gadget Privacy: He/She hides his/her phone and social media interactions from you always and at every given turn. If either of your phones is always locked and you can't access it then sure thing is, either of you is hiding something because faithful partners should have no issues letting either partner  have their passwords even if their phones must be locked
7. You are a Secret: When either of you hides each other from the world and public eye, there is sure something at stake. Of course, when and if a woman or a man is proud of each other, you should both be proud to let the world know who they are in each other’s life and the fact that they are dating. When he/she tells you let's keep it private, he or she sure has something they hiding and you both should do your homework from thence on. If privacy becomes secrecy, then, either of you wants to keep his or her options open and still have you at the side.
Some Social Media Reactions

After examining these steps and cautious guidelines, once we are in a relationship, we must strive to know our value and what mean to each other in order to determine and achieve what we actually deserve. We must never let anyone waste our time when we could actually be with someone whom we deserve or who deserves us.


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