Friday, 6 April 2018


It’s a common but unfortunate phenomenon nowadays to see the strife that now characterizes the relationship between ‘bloggers’, ‘celebrities’ and or other urban culture actors. This uneasy atmosphere that seems to now parade all social media networks over the world is an unfortunate situation because, these social influencers seem to have fallen in the misguided conception of being able to sail through the rough seas of fame, power, influence and money all alone. It is not uncommon therefore to witness this same kind of a strained relationship between Cameroonian social media influencers, from bloggers, celebrities of all categories like musicians, models, designers, actors, producers and directors. Most recently, there has been a lot of hype revolving around ‘celebrities’ and some ‘bloggers’ as well as other social media influencers in Cameroon especially within the Anglophone community. I have witnessed with awe and bewilderment the accusations, counter accusations and insults that have been raining hail stones against the persons of some ‘bloggers’, ‘celebrities’ and social media actors. I must say I am so uneasy with such an atmosphere. I ask myself how and why should insults keep pouring back and forth when we yet to experience the boom other African countries are already enjoying within their urban culture industry and community. Is this because some of us think that we have already made it? Is it because we believe that we owe no respect to each other? Or is it because we believe we are already on a certain pedestal and should look down on others? These and more are the questions that keep lingering and hovering across my mind and I don’t seem to be able to find answers to yet.

Any curious brain must have asked why from the very introduction of this write up I have continuously placed the words celebrity and blogger in inverted commas. Of course, the reason for this is simple. I hold as an opinion and or believe that we in 237 and especially the Anglophone social media community is yet to comprehend the full extent and meaning of these terms. To this regard, we all have fallen for the cheap conception that one is better and above the other. On the contrary, we must go back to the basics and muster the courage to accept that we are still at the budding stages of making an influence in the sphere of entertainment, fame, power, money that can create a remarkable impact on the Cameroon internet user and those of Africa. To this, I add without any fear of contradiction that we are still so far behind to even aspire to bring any recognizable impact in the world at large with regards to this domain.

According to , a blogger is “a person who regularly writes material for a blog.” As simple as this definition may sound, there is a lot of underlying meaning couched in the few words that make of the definition of the term.  To regularly provide content on a blog does not simple mean just writing anything you sure will agree with me yeah! Of course, any material provided on any social media platform under the guise of being a blogger must be well researched, written in simple and clear language. With this, I ask myself if we all do take out the time to research our write ups before posting anywhere. I also ask if those who think they are bloggers have a weblog where they share content on a regular basis. The answers to these questions are  sweeping and a great disappointment for me.

The answers I get after asking these questions are so disappointing because I have come to the realization that most people claiming to be content developers can’t tell exactly on which weblog of Social Media Page one can find their articles. Unfortunately, even celebrities, musicians, actors and others think they can both be celebrities and weblog content developers as the same time. Amalgamating these two at the same time to me becomes an attempt to spread your eggs in many baskets forgetting that you might lose grip all those baskets at a go. This is my humble opinion though and anyone is welcomed to challenge it as they may please.
After seeing what a blogger is and what he or she does, it’s but obvious that we grapple a bit with what or who celebrities are. Both and agree and converge on the common ground that a celebrity is someone associated with fame and fortune in occupations like sport and entertainment for which they receive recognition from the public and especially social media. More interstingly, Wikipedia goes deeper into the definition of who and what a celebrity is by stating succinctly that: Celebrity refers to the fame and public attention accorded by the mass media to individuals or groups or animals, but is usually applied to the persons or groups of people…themselves who receive such a status of fame and attention. Celebrity status is often associated with wealth (commonly referred to as fame and fortune), while fame often provides opportunities to earn revenue. Successful careers in sports and entertainment are commonly associated with celebrity status,[1][2] while political leaders often become celebrities. People may also become celebrities due to media attention on their lifestyle, wealth, or controversial actions, or for their connection to a famous person.” 
Wiki’s elaborate definition and analysis if I may term it so leaves me wondering how many Anglophone Cameroonians resident in the country outside the likes of Mr. Leo, Jovi, Stanley, Daphne etc have actually attained the status of ‘celebrity’ as explored by Wiki. Well, this article IS NOT AN ATTEMPT TO DOWNPLAY THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF ANYONE ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO BELIEVE THEY HAVE MADE IT IN THE INDUSTRY. I know for a fact that there are a couple of social influencers who have made it especially in the fortune part of it and yet they are humble enough not to make a hell lot of noise about it or go berserk with insults on bloggers because they have a sweating bank account. All the same, everyone should act as they please. At the same time we should recognize that we are still budding and need each other to climb that ladder of success.
To surmise on the two categories of social influencers as intimated in the title of this write up, I am confident that if bloggers, I mean the real bloggers are bent on making it in the domain, they must first start by actually providing captivating and nourishing well researched content to their readers. This is so because by the time you undertake writing well researched articles, I bet you won’t have time to connect yourselves any such issues as word fights, beefs, and or inter-insult challenges as is the case within the social media community nowadays. We as bloggers must not confuse ourselves with social media enthusiasts who are out there for the fun and gist. This category of social media goers will write anything without being afraid of what comes next because they don’t care. Our focus should be on the content we provide and its ability to sooth the expectations of our readers.
Furthermore, to our ‘celebrities’, we should understand our place within the social media atmosphere and the entertainment industry. Contend yourselves with providing your audience and fans with catchy entertainment: music, movies, stunning photos from sexy models, better dress designs, and what have you in terms of talents to have to showcase. You must or should be in mind that as you provide such entertainment, it is the duty and job of social media content developers like bloggers to analyze and do write ups in that regard. Bear in mind that whatever entertainment you develop and release to the public is subject to diverse forms of criticism and appreciation. Some of this criticism will bring forth positive responses and vibes or negative responses and negative vibes. You MUST be ready for both when your content goes live. (NB: WORKING ON AN ARTICLE ON THE VARIOUS FORMS OF CRITICISM ‘COS IT WILL APPEAR MANY CONTENT DEVELOPERS SEEM NOT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT IT IS AND HOW IT SHOULD BE HANDLED)
To bring this seemingly long write up to a close, I must make a few submissions accruing from the above substantiated points. Firstly, as bloggers and celebrities or upcoming celebrities and aspiring content developers, we should bear in mind that we must be humble enough to accept that we both are all branches to the young tree of Anglophone Cameroon Showbiz Industry that has just started to crawl and will soon take its first steps as we all pray. This said, we therefore should accept that we need each other whether or not we accept the fact. Bloggers need celebrities to provide content for them to develop while celebrities need people to talk about what they do. I do not certainly believe that pioneer African bloggers like Linda Ikeji started off by inciting strife with artists and all. I also do not think that the now very famous Naija celebrities in the film and music industry began to succeed because they engineered beefs among themselves or between themselves and online content developers.
I have just recently started blogging because of the passion I have for it. I am a scholar, writer and researcher so it’s but obvious for me to gravitate towards blogging. Just like me, I advise that no one should fall in the misguided conception propagated by online articles that preach how easy or simple blogging is for it is far deeper than those articles actually make it appear.  If there is one advice I have for aspiring bloggers, it will be what I have learned as a lesson and did so only when I had delved into the blogging full swing. Here it goes, please become a blogger by passion and not for any other reason except you want to quit after a few weeks: your priority should be content and let the fortune and fame (I mean the money and recognition) come as a surprise to you. To Be continue...


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