The Facebook sensation Angel
Nwosu, a Nigerian sex therapist confirms to have used sperms to cure pimples on
her face. On her highly solicited Facebook Page she posted that: “I used SPERM for pimple
treatment, and am slightly disgusted to report that it actually worked…” She claims that after the sperm therapy, her face
now looks golden with that glow that women so desire.
Angela added that: “Sperm is good for skin care.
Proteins and other nutrients…” are abundant in human sperms and according to
her, sperms can “…help for a flawless facial treatment.” She further explains that,
her mother always told her, "You don't need a man to be beautiful,"
but now she believes that this advice is dangerous since women actually need
men if they desire that glow that comes from male sperms. She adds: “I won't
go into the details (trust me, it was more awkward than sexy but whether
it was a lack of communication or an accident, I ended up covered in sperm and
I was pretty pissed off about it. Then, I remembered my research and snagged
some of the sperm we were both covered in to put on the pimples on my face.” Though
Angela claims to have been pissed off by this, she does go ahead to admit that
the next day, she woke up with “minus pimples”.
It is worthy of note that in her Facebook
statement of pimple treatment with sperms, Angela declare that she “…had no
intention of putting sperm on my pimple before the deed. Let's just say it was
a blowjob gone wrong with my spiritual husband, that I ended up benefiting
from, ighotago!”
Angel Nwosu the controversial Facebook sex therapist however ended her post
by advising her fellow females that during love making, they should “save up
some sperm and apply on your faces…” and that they should make sure to thank
her later. Though there isn’t any scientific research or proof to the best of
my knowledge at the time of writing up this article, it is as we say a matter
to wait and see. Let’s look forward to science to either proof or disprove such
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