Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Slay Queens & Slay Kings

You act up all rich and civilized
on Facebook, Instagram and Snap chat
as though your roots are paved 
with ivory, gold thread and delicate topaz.
You sure are deceiving your future,
‘cos we know where you’re from
since we’re also from there.

Luncheons with chilled champagnes &
sojourns in starred hotels or 
guest houses paid for by another’s credit card
will never change your station or
stature, but hard work sure will.
Get your grind on your hustle straight,
foot the bills sometime &
we’ll hear your story anytime.

It’s a shame the photo-shopped pictures 
ultra filtered Snap chat videos
you post everywhere on social media
have hoaxed your fickle minded brains
to believe in your own foolish lie
of being a celebrity. 

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