Sunday, 11 March 2018

University Lecturer Accused of Exchanging Marks For Sex

Dr. Swizen Kyomuhendo

It is not uncommon to hear stories of University lecturers harassing students for sex and in exchange for marks. Also it is very common to get wind of lecturers selling marks for cash or sex. There has been several instances of this phenomenon of “marks for sex” within many universities all over the world and especially in Africa. Most recently, a senior lecturer at the Makerere University in Kampala Uganda was alleged to be caught up in a “marks for sex” scandal. NBS Television Channel reported this purported story, holding that, Dr. Swizen Kyomuhendo of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences had openly asked one of his female students for sex in exchange for marks.

As earlier insinuated, such scandals are very common in African Universities. Unfortunately, it will appear that most defaulting lecturers most often go unpunished for such transgressions. In the case of Dr. Swizen Kyomuhendo, the University of Makerere, Kampala is not taken the matter lying down. The acting Dean of the Faculty of Humanities where Dr Swizen Kyomuhendo lecturers has sworn to see the matter to a satisfactory conclusion. In a letter served the accused lecturer, the Dean, Ms Josephine Ahikire, requested Dr.Swizen to submit a detailed report regarding the allegations against him. She wrote: “A story run on NBS Television…specifically highlighted you to have been involved in attempts to exchange sex for marks with a female student. Following principles of the natural justice, I am hereby requesting you to make a written report on the above named issue…” given the urgency of the matter, the lecturer was requested to submit his report with immediate effect.
It is a good thing the faculty has decided to investigate this allegations. All one can do is wait, watch and hope that if the said lecturer is guilty, he should be punished according to the stipulations of the faculty’s disciplinary committee. Like most African justice systems, we should not wave aside the possibility of Dr. Swizen Kyomuhendo going free even if he is found guilty by the disciplinary committee. Of course, it is not uncommon for us to hear of such stories and shocking testimonies especially from female students in our universities and yet see the accused personality parading the faculty blocks scot free despite irrefutable evidence against them. Let’s all wait and see the outcome of the investigatory committee of the University of Kampala, Makerere.
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