Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Man Gets Arrested On A Plane For Stripping & Watching Porn

A 20-year-old student from Bangladesh on a Malindo Air flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on March 5th reportedly stripped naked while watching a pornographic movie. He later on masturbated and  sexually harassed one of the air hostesses by hugging her forcefully. One of the passengers reported that: "The cabin crew approached him and politely asked him to put on his clothes. He complied with their request. A short while later there was some commotion at the toilet area and it turned out that he was harassing a stewardess..." The cabin crew on the flight tried to tame his violent behaviour and talk him into some reason without success. Forced seemed to be the only possible solution at this point. The bawdy gentleman's hands were tied up tied with a piece of cloth behind his back in order to restrain him till the flight touched down at their destination. He was arrested by local police when the plane landed at Shahjalal Airport in Dhaka, Bangladesh. 
A witness to this sexually gruesome scenario on the flight reported that the young passenger was completely naked while watching a porn movie and ignoring all other passengers on the flight. The Malindo Air spokesman commended the flight's crew for their professionalism in handling the situation with tact. In his own words he said: "The crew on board followed the standard operating procedure in restraining a passenger from causing further disruption on-board a flight. The disruptive passenger was accompanied by Dhaka security team upon arrival and he has been put in jail by the authorities there. The airline will continue to stay vigilant to ensure passengers travel soundly."
Such happenings always just warrant me most often to imagine how our Cameroon air personalities will handle issues like these given the said circumstances. It will not surprise me if in such a situation in this country the said passenger comes down from the flight with an already swollen face, or a broken limb. Professionalism is not in anyway giving reason to a wrong doer but but handling a situation in a peaceful manner so that no one else gets hurt be it the offender or people around. 

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