Zambian man recently demonstrated what selfless love is all about. Haswell
Kalinda gave up part of his liver to save the life of his wife, Saboi Mundia
Kalinda who has been suffering from health complications following the failure
of her liver. Not being willing to lose
his wife to the cold hands of death, Mr. Kalinda opted to donate part of his
liver in order to secure the life of the woman of his dreams.
several medical checkups, the couple traveled to India last month so that the
wife could undergo a liver transplant. Everything appears to have went on
smoothly and reports say the couple is still in India in order to permit
the couple to fully recover from their surgeries.
Saboi, in order to show gratitude to her husband and the love
of her life, wrote a stunning open love and gratitude letter to her husband
from her sickbed. In the letter, she appreciates and her husband, Mr. Haswell Kalinda for his selfless act love and kindness. SEE

It is amazing how God has revealed to me and my family how He
works out things for our good. Sometimes we get so hurt by the way things are
happening even when we pray so hard, but God already has it figured out, even
if we don't understand and it is just wonderful when in the end you realise how
God was working things out for you.
Therefore I want to say to you 'Trust in the Lord with all your
heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him,
and he will make your paths straight.' Proverbs 3:5 and 6.
Both me and Haswell are
recovering well, I am still in India and hope to be reunited with my family
pretty soon.
My family and i have received so
much support from so many people including my mother who has sacrificed so much
for me and i don't know what i would ever do without her, my amazing transplant
team at Max Super Speciality Hospital headed by Dr. Subash Gupta, family and
friends, friends of friends and relatives, my wonderful in-laws, my church
family at Chainama SDA church and other churches, my workmates at CEC Liquid
Telecoms and various people i have never even met.
Thank you for your fasting and
prayers, (please continue praying), financial contributions, words of comfort
and encouragement and visits. My healing process is ongoing for a while and i
continue to ask for your continued prayers. For you all, I am gratefull and
pray for God to bless each one of you according to your needs.
Haswell Kalinda I have been
trying to find the right words to show how grateful I am for you my dearest
husband but I realise no words could ever put into context what your gift means
to me. I don't know what I did to deserve you my love, all I can say is that
I'm truly blessed.
You have always loved me
unconditionally and you are proud to show your love for me to the world. It has
been a very bumpy road but you've stuck by my side loving me, praying for me,
making me laugh, encouraging me, making me feel beautiful even when I don't
feel that way, you have supported me in every way possible. I would like the
world to know that you are a wonderful man and I will always love you with all
of me.
Thank you for being an example to our kids and everybody else of
what true love really is. It's amazing to feel how much our love for each other
can still continue to grow after all these years and to such a deeper level.
I pray
for the favour of God to rest upon you, I pray for your good health and
prosperity in all you do. I pray for your continued growth in God's grace,
knowledge and wisdom. "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes
others will be refreshed." Proverbs 11:25. God bless.
Saboi Mundia Kalinda
Kwata Vibes must say here that the experiences of this couple and the exemplary love relationship that exists between them is that which is uncommon in today's world that is ruled by selfishness, greed and ill-will. May the grace of God shine the light into our hearts and build in us the the fervent desire to love and show love to all humanity. Only this way we can be sure to please God.
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