Monday, 2 July 2018


Ansa Kitu Poses With A Complete Piece

Artists, be them visual or literary artists are capable of capturing a moment, an event, a view or even an imaginary or futuristic episode or thing in an unimaginable way, style or manner. Few are the artists who have such unfathomable talents in modern day. You can learn the arts in school, but sure there will always be something about your art that tells viewers or readers that a certain detail is lacking somewhere. Those imbued with the natural gift of the arts usually go about it effortlessly and all the details fit in to bring about the verisimilitude preconceived by the artist.

Before we delve into talking about our very own Cameroonian Pablo Picasso, Ansa Kitu, let’s take a look back at some important facts and history of pencil arts. Firstly, it should be borne in mind that the pencil used by artists derives its name from the Latin word “peniculus” meaning brush or “little tail”, to describe the small ink brushes used for writing in the Middle Ages. It is the most immediate and sensitive implement of the art of drawing because it is suitable for producing a quick sketch since pencil marks can vary according to the hardness of the graphite lead in the shaft. Consequently, the harder the lead (and the sharper the tip) the finer the line your pencil will produce.
Various Stages of Work In Progress
The modern pencil was invented in 1795 by Nicholas-Jacques Conte, a scientist serving in the army of Napoleon Bonaparte. The graphite used in these first pencils was first discovered in Europe, in Bavaria at the start of the 15th century; although the Aztecs had used it as a marker several hundred years earlier. The pencil as we know it today was first called graphite in 1789, using the Greek word “Graphein” meaning ‘to write’.

Among the masters of pencil drawing was Jean-Auguste Ingres (1780-1867), whose works include the Portrait of Mme. Guillaume Guillon Lethiere (lead pencil drawing, now in the Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University), John Constable, the English landscape painter who used pencil and a sepia wash in his Trees and a Stretch of Water on the Stour (Victoria and Albert Museum, London), Pablo Picasso, whose works include Still Life with Glass, Apple, Playing Card and Package of Tobacco, (now in the Winston Art Collection, Michigan). Two especially fine works of art in pencil at the Tate Gallery in London include: Alice Meynell by John Singer Sargent, and William Strang's Thomas Hardy. Other modern examples of the use of pencil, can be seen in the National Self-Portrait Collection of Ireland at the University of Limerick Etc.

Ansa Kitu: The Modern Day Pablo Picasso

Giving That Magic Pencil Finger Touch
Ansa Kitu is a young dynamic Anglophone Cameroonian pencil art artist based in London, United Kingdom. Having passed most of his adolescent life in Cameroon, where he had already demonstrated his capability at using the pencil, he decided to move over to Britain in order to showcase his talent to a greater audience and give his art a more global exposure. There is no gainsaying that his peers back during his college days used to marvel at his ability to capture portraits and sceneries so perfectly just with the use of his pencil.

Kwata Vibes in an exclusive with the artist was made to understand that, he first and foremost does pencil art out of the passion and satisfaction he derives from it. Every other thing that may emanate from his practicing his God-given talent is but secondary. While in Britain and thinking of ways to bring his art to the global audience, Kitu decided to brand and model his products under what he called Ansa Kitu Pencil Art. To galvanize and showcase the magic of his fingers, he started a Facebook Page with the same name.  CLICK HERE CLICK HERE to VISIT, LIKE and FOLLOW Ansa Kitu Pencil Art Facebook Page.

The Anglophone Cameroonian modern day Pablo Picasso is so gifted in what he does so
much so that the images and or sceneries and moments he captures are so exquisite that most viewers both on the internet and in real life are wowed at first sight and encounter. He is damn good so much so that all his finished products are always seeming and appearing alive.

The photographic precision with which Kitu captures any image or scene he draws inevitably reveals his innate ability to identify, understand and replicate detail in all dimensions. He has a fine eye for angular precision, color tone as well as color depth. Though most of his works exposed so far are all in black and white, Kwata Vibes most affirm here that the artist’s capabilities are beyond measure and there is no doubt about his ability to mix colors. He exclusively told KwataVibes that in the nearest future, the public will see other great works that he has in his reservoir of already completed works and some are in color too. More interestingly, one of Kitu’s past-time hobbies with this art talent of is his constant cartooning and or caricaturing of his friends. LOL, the caricatures or cartoon configurations that he makes of his friends usually generate a lot of laugher and hysteria among these friends and his public. You can see some of these cartoons among the pictures exhibited here.

Ansa Kitu has garnered for himself a huge following of fans, supporters and admirers of the Fine Arts. These well-wishers are always very supportive and they never hesitate to pour compliments and accolades on this fine arts gentleman. Read a few of these compliments below:

Princess Clitin W Nkume-kwene:
He is amazing at what he does. I call him the man with the awesome fingers. He can so draw and you will love his work over a digital picture. His drawings are as real as the person or the thing he draws. Ride on dearest. You make me proud

Hassan Einstein Rayyan:
If there’s one person who is capable of drawing for the universe…your guess is as good as mine. Kudos bro Ansa Kitu

McEden Wangangs: 
Your talent na die bro. Keep it up. The future is bright

Jocelyn Kitu: 
This is exceptional talent. I recommend this artist. Great work!!!

From the above compliments, it is therefore no doubt that Ansa Kitu is one of the best if the best Cameroon has to offer in recent times in terms of Pencil Art.


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